Apr 28, 2011

Oil Company Profits Soar AGAIN

It was announced today that Exxon Mobil's first-quarter profits jumped 69% to $10.7 Billion. WTF? The middle class is being squeezed so hard right now that it's disappearing. Between gas prices and food prices (which are influenced by gas prices because most food is trucked in from far away destinations), we're having to stay in an awful lot to make ends meet. Fewer movies on the weekend, fewer restaurants, less entertainment, no new toys for Todd.

But that means nothing to the Wall Street speculators who keep pushing the price of crude oil to record levels. They have become billionaires in the process. Do you know that the top 4000 earners in this country own more wealth than the rest of the country COMBINED? I'm all for capitalism, believe me, but that is a sick statistic.

The only way to combat high gas prices is to use less oil and gas, plain and simple. Buy a hybrid. Drive less. Ride your bike to work. Walk to the store. Many individual small efforts can lead to big results.

Thank-you fo allowing me to vent.

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